Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Smile Away Tears

Theme: Smile away all tears

Smile away all tears
Its not that i have not fears
Life not always cares
When grief grips one rarely dares

The path seems to strike like a dart
When loved ones depart
Oh how feeble is the heart
Is all this some sort of sorrowful art

To stand still and gaze
As time departs like haze
And sets ignite grief ablaze
Leaves me again confused in the maze

Living is so dreadful in the place
Having lost such a familiar face
Leaving behind cherished memory with grace
One things that seems lacking is breathing space

Not all tastes are beautiful
Not all things we find are meaningful
But i have someone who is always helpful
The eternal purpose of existence seems colorful

1 comment:

Lovely Almond said...

I like the fact that you've got a variety of subjects that you write on, Issac.

Nice poem.:)

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